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Podopleki, a village (Kirov district, Kirov region)

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»

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Podopleki - was a rather large village in Kirov region. It disappeared in the early 90s of the 20th century.

Here are memories of one of the previous citizens of Podopleki:

“It was a wonderful place with beautiful nature and kind people. In general, the people bred chickens and cows. They had their own lands and houses. The families weren’t very big, just 4 or 6 people.

There was a school, a club, a kindergarten and 2 shops in the village. Children began studying at school since the age of 7. The school for junior-high and high classes was situated in Oktyabrskiy village of Kirov region. After school the children went for walks, played and helped their parents.

Gradually when the Soviet Union had fallen apart, the citizens began moving to the city and other villages. By the 96th year mostly pensioners had stayed there. And now only some grand-mothers still live there.

On the whole, Podopleki - is a whole life. There was something good and something bad. And as well as everything live villages die.”

Изображение: Podopleki_kirov_region.jpg(a photo from the family archive of Kuliabin S.V.).

Подоплеки, деревня (Кировский район, Кировская область)

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